Articulation Agreements

AA Early Childhood and Elementary to BA Elementary and Early Childhood Education

The participating institutions agree to establish a program-to-program articulation agreement in Elementary and Early Childhood Education whereby students who successfully complete the requirements for an Associate in Arts in Elementary and Early Childhood at Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) and meet the admissions requirements as stated in this agreement, shall enter Wilkes University with junior status in the baccalaureate degree program in the Elementary and Early Childhood Education (PreK-4) program.

AAS Early Care & Education to BA Elementary and Early Childhood Education

The participating institutions agree to establish a program-to-program articulation agreement in Elementary and Early Childhood Education whereby students who successfully complete the requirements for an Associate in Applied Science Degree in Early Care and Education at Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) and meet the admissions requirements as stated in this agreement, shall enter Wilkes University with junior status in the baccalaureate degree program in the Elementary and Early Childhood Education (PreK-4) program.

Wilkes University Contact

Renee Sipple

Director of Operations
MS Education Masters
(570) 408-4674

Early Childhood Degree to Elementary and Early Childhood Education Program

Lackawanna College and Wilkes University have agreed to a correlation of their curricula for the students in the Early Childhood Degree program who wish to complete the baccalaureate Elementary and Early Childhood Education program at Wilkes University. A student who satisfactorily completes the requirements of the Associate degree at Lackawanna College will be granted "junior" status and may complete the Wilkes requirements for the bachelor's degree in Elementary and Early Childhood Education.

Wilkes University Contact

Renee Sipple

Director of Operations
MS Education Masters
(570) 408-4674

Early Childhood Education Agreement

Wilkes University and Lehigh Carbon Community College have entered into an articulation agreement that will help early childhood education graduates transfer to Wilkes to complete bachelor’s degrees. Students who earn an associate degree in early childhood education at Lehigh Carbon Community College can transfer into the Wilkes bachelor’s degree program in Elementary and Early Childhood Education as a junior. As part of the agreement, 61 credits earned at the community college will transfer to Wilkes.

Wilkes University Contact

Renee Sipple

Director of Operations
MS Education Masters
(570) 408-4674

Dual Admissions Agreement

The purpose of this agreement is to provide prospective students with the benefit of a program designed to guarantee admission to Wilkes University, upon successful completion of an Associate Degree program at Luzerne County Community College. This agreement also allows both institutions to continue to provide quality education to our local student population.

In addition to guaranteed admission, students enrolled in this program will receive special benefits throughout the program as well. Those benefits may include:

  • Attending Wilkes events like Club Day, Homecoming or athletic events.
  • Special Student Development planned events, such as speakers, comedians or bands.
  • An additional benefit of this agreement is that students enrolled in the Dual Admission Program will be eligible to register free of charge for a maximum of 12 credit hours in courses offered by Wilkes University.. These courses must be applied to the specific degree program you intend to pursue at Wilkes.

To apply for this program, please complete and print the Dual Admissions Intent form external website and submit it to either the Counseling & Advising Center at LCCC or the Admissions Office at Wilkes University. All students are strongly encouraged to read the agreement prior to completing the Dual Admissions Intent form.

Pre-Professional to Pre-Pharmacy Articulation Agreement

Academically qualified students who complete the Luzerne County Community College pre-pharmacy program can apply to the Wilkes Nesbitt School of Pharmacy through a streamlined process and be given preferential consideration for admission interview. LCCC graduates will be able to transfer up to 63 credits toward the doctor of pharmacy degree and may qualify for merit scholarships for their remaining two years of undergraduate studies. They must apply to Wilkes by December of their sophomore year.

The two-year pre-professional program at Luzerne County Community College is designed to provide students with the appropriate science background to enter into science-based professional programs such as the pharmacy degree at Wilkes. If not accepted, students may elect to complete an undergraduate degree at Wilkes over the course of two more years of study.

Wilkes University Contact

Amy Patton

Associate Director
Undergraduate Admissions
(570) 408-4407

Luzerne County Community College Contact

Mary Knaus


Elementary and Early Childhood Education Agreement

Wilkes University and Montgomery County Community College agree to establish a program-to-program and dual enrollment articulation agreement in Elementary and Early Childhood Education whereby students who successfully complete the requirements for an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education at Montgomery County Community College and meet the admissions requirements as stated in this agreement, shall enter Wilkes University with junior status in the baccalaureate degree program in the Elementary and Early Childhood Education (PreK-4) program.

Wilkes University Contact

Renee Sipple

Director of Operations
MS Education Masters
(570) 408-4674

Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering Agreement

Wilkes University and Northampton Community College (NCC) are partnering to align their curricula for engineering students, creating a seamless transfer pathway for students pursuing an associate of science degree in engineering at NCC who wish to continue their education with a bachelor of science degree in engineering at Wilkes University. As part of the partnership, Wilkes University is offering significant financial support for qualified transfer students. Students transferring from NCC to Wilkes University will be eligible for a $17,000 annual scholarship toward their cost of attendance. Engineering has become one of the most sought-after majors for NCC transfer students continuing their studies at Wilkes University, second only to general studies. This new agreement ensures that NCC students pursuing engineering degrees can transfer smoothly into Wilkes University, ensuring minimal disruption in their educational journey and providing them with ample financial support.

Wilkes University Contacts

Amy Patton

Associate Director
Undergraduate Admissions
(570) 408-4407

Dr. Prahlad Murthy

Civil and Environmental Engineering
(570) 408-4617

Elementary and Early Childhood Education Agreement

Wilkes University and Northampton Community College agree to establish a program-to-program and dual enrollment articulation agreement in Elementary and Early Childhood Education whereby students who successfully complete the requirements for an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education at Northampton Community College and meet the admissions requirements as stated in this agreement, shall enter Wilkes University with junior status in the baccalaureate degree program in the Elementary and Early Childhood Education (PreK-4) program.

Wilkes University Contact

Renee Sipple

Director of Operations
MS Education Masters
(570) 408-4674

PharmD Agreement

This cooperative program between Neumann University and Wilkes University is a six-year doctorate program leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree. The Pre-Pharmacy Program at Neumann University allows academically qualified students to attend Neumann University for two years of pre-pharmacy course work before transferring to the Wilkes University Nesbitt School of Pharmacy. Students must be accepted into the Neumann University program as first year students and must complete the first two years of their undergraduate work at Neumann University. Because of the Neumann University special affiliation with Wilkes University, students who successfully complete the two-year program at Neumann are given preferential consideration for admission to the professional phase of the Doctor of Pharmacy Program at Wilkes University. If not accepted, students may elect to complete an undergraduate degree at Neumann University in Biology, Liberal Arts, or Liberal Studies over the course of two more years of study.

Wilkes University Contact

Dr. Jon Ference

Nesbitt School of Pharmacy
(570) 408-4271

Doctor of Optometery Agreement

Salus University and Wilkes University hereby acknowledge their commitment to the training of future practitioners of primary health care by joining in this Articulation Agreement. Under this Articulation Agreement, students who successfully complete the 90 semester credit Pre-Optometry curriculum at Wilkes with a 3.0 GPA or above may apply for admission to the Salus University Doctor of Optometry Program. This educational pathway is referred to as the 3+4 Doctor of Optometry Degree Program and is comprised of two phases, Phase I and Phase II:

  • Phase I is comprised of the Pre-Optometry curriculum at Wilkes (see addendum)
  • Phase II is comprised of the 3+4 Doctor of Optometry Degree Program at Salus University.

Wilkes University Contact

Lindsey Good

Pre-Health Advising Coordinator
Learning Center
(570) 408-4969